Robby Cowell - Software Engineer

📖 Bio

Hello! I'm Robby, a software engineer, web developer, and entrepreneur.

I lead a team of engineers building tools to improve cancer care.

I'm a co-founder of Easy EC - a tool to help young people access emergency contraception.

I worked as a web developer at Google.

You can follow me on Twitter, connect on LinkedIn, check out my code on GitHub or hang out with me on Twitch.

🏗 The Site 🚧

You're visiting my work-in-progress personal site, dubbed the 'site'.

The 'site' is an evolving engineering project, inspired by physical construction sites.

This will be a living project, documenting itself as it's built.

With each commit and log, this repository will evolve from the bare-bones state it's in today, to a finished, fully featured website.

This first article outlines the requirements and general plan for the project which can be found on this project's GitHub repository.

Data and Cookies

The 'site' doesn't collect, share, track, or use any data/cookies for any reason.
